The goals of the Working Women's Charter
- The right to work for everyone who wishes to do so.
- The elimination of al discrimination on the basis of sex, race, marital or parental status, sexuality or age.
- Equal pay for work of equal value – meaning the same total wage plus other benefits.
- Equal opportunity of entry into occupations and of promotion regardless of sex, sexuality, marital or parental status, race or age.
- Equal education opportunities for all.
- Union meetings to be held in working hours
- Special trade union education courses for women unionists to be held with paid time off for participants.
- Equal access to vocational guidance and training, including on the job training, study and conference leave.
- Introduction of a shorter working week with no loss of pay, flexible working hours, part-time opportunities for all workers.
- Improved working conditions for women and men. The retention of beneficial provision which apply to women. Other benefits to apply equally to men and women.
- Removal of legal, bureaucratic and other impediments to equality superannuation, social security benefits, credit, finance, taxation, tenancies, and other related matters.
- Special attention to the needs and requirements of women from ethnic communities as they see them.
- Wide availability of quality child care with Government and/or community support for all those who need it, on a 24-hour basis, including after school and school holiday care.
- Introduction of adequate paid parental leave (maternity and paternity leave) without loss of job security, superannuation or promotion prospects.
- Availability of paid family leave to enable time off to be taken in family emergencies, e.g. when children or elderly relatives are ill.
- Sex education and birth control advice freely available to all people. Legal, financial, social and medical impediments to safe abortion, contraception and sterilisation to be removed.
- Comprehensive government funded research into health questions specific to women.